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Aug 30, 2021

The pandemic has been both a trigger and an opportunity for reflection and ultimately, change. We've had to forget, or "unlearn" our old ways.

This week on the The Mind Tools L&D Podcast, Gemma T and Ross D are joined by Mark Gilroy to discuss:

  • what 'unlearning' is
  • the link between unlearning and curiosity
  • how we can help each other to "unlearn" effectively.

Show notes

Mark recommended the following resources:

"How organisations Learn and Unlearn (Hedberg, 1981)" 

The Unpersuadables: Adventures with the Enemies of Science by Will Storr. Available at all good bookstores.

The B=MAT model: 

Mark made a surprising claim about rainfall during "What I learned this week". Here's his data source:,London,United-Kingdom 

Ross talked about Iceland's four-day week, which you can read more about here:

Ross and Gemma referred to Adam Grant's book, Think again:

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You can also find out more about Mark's organisation, TMSDI.